How 3-Minute Movement Breaks Can Save Your Life!
You've probably heard that sitting for a long time isn't good for you—and it's true!
Unlocking the Mystery of Metabolism: How to Improve Yours
In fitness, you hear about "metabolism" a lot. It's how your body uses food for energy. More clarity about metabolism needs to be provided.
The Art of Prioritizing: How to Determine If It's a Time Issue or a Priority Issue
What if we replaced “I don’t have time” with “It’s not a priority”?
Cardio vs. Strength Training: Which is More Effective for Improving Body Composition?
Do you enjoy strength training, cardio, HIIT, or yoga? Each offers specific advantages for your body's fat, muscle mass, and bone density.
Losing Fat and Losing Weight Are Not the Same Thing: Understand the Difference
Is your goal to lose fat or to lose weight?Is there even a difference?
How to Set Realistic Fitness and Diet Goals for Long-Term Success
Like most people, you probably have some goals you have set around training, diet, health and wellness.
Maximizing Movement: The Key to Understanding Mobility and Flexibility
Both mobility and flexibility are important components of healthy movement. It is possible for an individual to be flexible but not mobile.
5 Reasons to Get Your Bod in the Pod
BodPod body composition analysis is the world’s gold standard for fast, accurate and safe body composition assessment.
Why You Should Incorporate Deload Weeks into Your Fitness Training Routine
We all know that we want to progressively make our training a little hard over time, but we can't always be pushing the envelope week after
3 Effective Exercise Techniques to Help You Lose Fat
Increase the metabolic demands of your training sessions by utilizing these 3 types of workouts.