Are You Getting Enough Protein? 11 Easy Ways to Fill Up and Fuel Your Body
Protein is essential for your body, being one of the three macronutrients necessary for good health.
Maximizing Movement: The Key to Understanding Mobility and Flexibility
Both mobility and flexibility are important components of healthy movement. It is possible for an individual to be flexible but not mobile.
5 Reasons to Get Your Bod in the Pod
BodPod body composition analysis is the world’s gold standard for fast, accurate and safe body composition assessment.
Why You Should Incorporate Deload Weeks into Your Fitness Training Routine
We all know that we want to progressively make our training a little hard over time, but we can't always be pushing the envelope week after
6 Tips for Simplifying Your Exercise Routine
Making progress in exercise and being consistent doesn't have to be complicated. Stick to these six concepts to see success.
Are You Including These 6 Foundational Movement Patterns in Your Exercise Program?
The push, pull, hinge, squat, and lunge are found in almost any human movement training.
The Sports Nutrition Pyramid
Sports nutrition doesn’t have to be all or nothing—there are plenty of steps between!
Fueling for Athletic Performance and Recovery
A holistic approach to performance and recovery is essential! Proper fueling ensures optimization of both.
Nutrition and High School Athletes
Even though it is summer break, practices for high school athletes have been in full swing since June. Unfortunately, I see many athletes...